5216 48 Ave Red Deer AB T4N 3T9 (403) 314-1322


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Trusted by 400+ clinics across Canada

Click to see what they have to say about us!

Visual-Eyes provides a professional EMR that is well rounded to serve all aspects of our office. An easy to use program for all individuals. The largest impact was improving our efficiency in record keeping and px flow in office.

Dr. Rebecca Chippior
St. Lawrence Optometry

Visual-Eyes provides a comprehensive solution that allows me to manage every aspect of my practice. Visual-Eyes solves many problems in my practice from providing management information to marketing to helping provide excellence in patient care. The most valuable asset of my practice, my data, is protected and secured by people I trust.

Dr. David White, Owner
Westmount Optometrists

Practice management software that is rock solid dependable.

Dr. Mike Cobean, Optometrist
Eye Associates of North Bay

One stop shopping – Visual-Eyes does everything to organize our client information and process our jobs for the lab. Customer Service is amazing! Your technical staff always find a solution or fix our issues quickly.

Melanie Elmslie, Office Manager
Just 4 Eyes Inc.

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