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How Visual-Eyes Streamlines Patient Communication Consent Management

Visual Connect

Patient consent is mandatory under Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) when sending any form of electronic communication. Visual-Eyes’ Consent Module effectively tracks patients’ permissions, ensuring emails and text messages are sent in compliance with this legislation.  Visual-Eyes simplifies the process of maintaining current patient consent records with the following features:  Smart Consent Prompts: When editing phone […]

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Streamlining Communication: Email Features in Visual-Eyes

Visual Connect

Visual-Eyes’ email sending module, Visual Connect, is designed to enhance communication capabilities and strengthen patient relationships. This module simplifies and streamlines the emailing process, offering both manual and automated communication options directly from the software. With Visual Connect you can automate: Additionally, you can manually send emails from the Main Patient, Insurance, Invoice, Linking, and Appointment screens, […]

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Maximizing Your Recall Strategy

Visual-Eyes offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to optimize and streamline your recall process. Supplementing our phone recall management screen with our Visual Care modules, you can maximize your patient outreach and boost recall to appointment conversion rates.  Review our Tips for Maximizing Your Recall Strategy Guide for help with establishing an effective recall process for your clinic. This guide, […]

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Collection Call Strategies

an office administrator making collect calls

Making collection calls can be a delicate process, and to do it well, you need to carefully consider the purpose of the call. Rectifying payment discrepancies is necessary, but maintaining or repairing patient relationships in the process is key. Patients may be upset, embarrassed, or frustrated by collection calls. It is important to keep the […]

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Target Your Mailouts with Patient Demographics

Close-up of a person's smartphone as they fill out an online form

How often do you go further than your patients’ eyes to understand their needs? By taking a closer look at patient demographics, you can better understand your patients and the needs of specific patient groups—and adjust your services, marketing, and communication strategies to meet those needs.  Personalized mailouts and other forms of targeted messaging based […]

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The Importance of Data Backups

Data backups are essential in health care for ensuring seamless patient care, compliance with data privacy regulations, and safeguarding against cyber threats. With health care data being a prime target for cyberattacks, back ups serve as a vital defense mechanism to minimize the risk of data breaches and preserve patient privacy by quickly recovering critical medical […]

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Action Required: Email Authentication Changes

Visual Connect

At Visual-Eyes, we are committed to ensuring your clinic’s patient experience is premium. To this end, there are some important changes that major email providers are implementing which affect how automated emails are handled. Major email providers like Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo have recently started enforcing rules for Sender Authentication, with Google commencing initial phases […]

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Striving for Excellence in Support

Our goal is to offer support that is not only efficient but also respectful of your time and needs. We have taken steps to enhance our response times and ensure that all communications are acknowledged and addressed promptly. Diverse Support Channels: Triaging of Issues:  We strive to prioritize issues effectively, ensuring that urgent and critical […]

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Solutions to Common TELUS eClaims Codes

File Linking Module

Visual-Eyes has integrated with TELUS Health, streamlining the insurance claims submission process for optometrists. This integration offers several key benefits, including reducing double entries and automatically allocating insurance amounts. While using this integration, users may encounter standard insurance messages and codes when submitting claims. To assist you, we have developed a TELUS eClaims Codes Guide that details common codes, their meanings, and resolutions. Familiarity with these codes is crucial for optimizing […]

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Maximize Referral Success with Visual-Eyes

Family Screen

Our Patient Referral Guide highlights how Visual-Eyes can revolutionize patient engagement and track the success of your initiatives. Key Features of Visual-Eyes for Referral Programs: Leverage Visual-Eyes for Innovative Incentives: Dynamic Promotion of your Program with Visual-Eyes: Visual-Eyes is more than a software; we are your partner in nurturing a thriving referral ecosystem within your optometry clinic. Embrace […]

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